So, I have become aware of a new movement of people in this great nation. The American Redoubt consists of Eastern Washington, Eastern Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.
The concept is that this area is rural, low population density, conservative and defensible. Patriots, preppers, Constitutional Militia members, and like minded Americans are migrating to this area.
Why are they doing so? Well we all know that our country is not headed in the right direction and that things are probably going to get a lot worse before it gets better. So this has been declared as the American Redoubt, or safe zone. This area will be defended by great Americans, ensuring our continuation as a country.
From what I can see this is a great idea. I would encourage people of like mind to migrate to this area and prepare for the challenging times ahead of us.
The American Redoubt explained by Radio Free Redoubt says this about what it is.
The "American Redoubt," and the origination of the name, is explained best in the "American Redoubt Articles" page. But let me put this in "John Jacob" terms:
Imagine the sea-level of the oceans rising at a rate of 50 feet in elevation per day ... across the globe. Naturally, out of self-preservation, any creature in its right mind would be compelled to move to higher ground for safety.
No matter how persistent the efforts to build levies with bulldozers and fill sandbags, the waters rush in, over, and through every countermeasure.
Eventually, the creatures congregate to safe havens and places of refuge.
Now think of the rising water in human societal and cultural terms
There has already been a shift of people moving to "higher ground," socially speaking of course. Conservative, God-fearing men and women who love liberty and traditional American ideals are moving to safe havens and joining those already in places of refuge.
The waters of Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Humanism, Existentialism, Globalism, Islamo-fascism, anti-Americanism, and
"Tolerance" are rising.
Christianity, Biblical doctrine and traditional American values are under attack from an increasingly hostile and intolerant "ism" culture.
Most certainly one of the most significant demographic shifts in the United States today is the movement of people with fundamental American and Judeo-Christian value systems moving into the inland Pacific Northwest. Particularly, this retreat to higher ground encompasses Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Eastern Oregon, and Eastern Washington.
It's hardly visible, as a strong current under the surface.
But it's there. That, my friends, is the American Redoubt. A stronghold. A safe haven. A refuge.
For more information check out the American Redoubt Network:
Also check out the Survival Blog here:
Here is another great resource I think you might like:
Tactical information, training, and gear recommendations to prepare individuals, families, groups, and militias to be ready for the coming collapse. We need to be prepared, be trained, and be willing to fight for our once great nation when needed. Prepare now fellow patriots for some day soon we will be called to stand up to tyranny!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Obama Talking US Gun Confiscation using Foreign Troops?
On April 2, 2012 the foreign insurgent Obama met with his fellow international conspirators, Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper and Mexican President Felipe Calderón in Washington DC. This get-together was billed as a conference on international trade but the discussion quickly turned to the necessity for new gun regulations and prohibitions in the United States for the security of Mexico, which I guess could be tied into international trade as Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder has been and is engaged in international gun running and drug trafficking for profit throughout North America.
Taking into consideration the actions we are seeing, through a coordinated effort between the plethora of so called security agencies in the United States to orchestrate the necessary conditions to begin an attack upon our 2nd Amendment, we should be looking very carefully at every meeting these international soviet socialists are involved in. We must understand that the international insurgency into the United States has become revealed to the point that they must act quickly if they are going to attempt to disarm the American population.
Look at the situation on its face. We the American people of the American race are literally clearing the shelves of firearms and ammunition. At the same time we are making it clear that we want to arm ourselves, those who are supposedly our representatives are taking actions to begin confiscating our guns.
Enter the US Army Military Personnel Exchange Program, wherein officers in the US Army are being exchanged with officers from countries around the world for the purported purpose of cross training for international crisis. What is happening right before our eyes is the international soviet socialist elite are putting together an international coalition army for the purpose of disarming the American citizens.
Understand, this army must be coordinated and considering the reality of diverse languages requires a communication system which has to be established before this foreign army can begin operations in the United States. This is why we have all the cross training, in order to procure communication between the various foreign units.
This operation has been underway for many years now. We all remember guns being confiscated from American citizens during the exercises conducted after Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans and right now there are Polish troops training in Illinois for gun confiscation in the United States.
The international insurgents within the United States government have declared that they will use drones against we the people.
Obama has signed the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 with Sections 1021 and 1022, authorizing military arrests and indefinite detentions of American citizens without any due process of law, in essence suspending Habeas Corpus just like Lincoln did at the beginning of the US Civil War.
Obama has signed HR 347 Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011, the no-Trespass legislation, designed to insure a violent response when peaceful American protesters take to the streets this summer to challenge their being disenfranchised through the corrupt and fraudulent corporate owned election process.
Obama has signed the executive order National Defense Resources Preparedness designed to deny resources to US patriotic militia after the conflict begins. You see this is not going to be a conventional war. This country is our home. There is no single supply line to be cut. This is why the soviet insurgency intends to seize all resources.
There are only a handful of traitors within our military who are going to cooperate with this foreign insurgency. They will be used mainly in communications, as orders that are handed down in English must be translated into other languages as they are relayed to the various elements of the foreign army. I guess in reality this bunch of traitors would have to be considered priority targets for the resistance.
If you think this is just a conspiracy theory, consider this. Obama is supposedly falling in the opinion polls, the race for the national election is supposedly on, and, out of nowhere, Obama takes off to Columbia for meetings that really cannot have much substance unless he is reelected and/or the status quo is preserved.
If you put all the pieces together and connect the dots, the reality of what we are looking at cannot be denied. It is not a question of if, but rather of when. Considering the fact that gun purchases are not slowing down the when will be soon.
To you foreign troops out there who have had it whispered in your ear that you will be engaging the American people of the American race for the purpose of disarming and bringing us into a one world dictatorship, be advised. If you come here, you will die here, each and every one of you. Once you have put us to the task you have sealed your fate. We are not going to let you leave, we will slaughter you and leave your bodies to decay where they fall and your bones to bleach upon our soil as a warning to all others who might in the future entertain the notion of conquering we the American people in our own country.
Source of article:
Gun Confiscation,
United Nations,
wake up
Saturday, April 14, 2012
24 ways to purify water
This information is just for your knowledge, it does not really help you to purify your water, but will teach you about various methods used for this purpose.
SEPARATION: HEAT, LIGHT & GRAVITY SEDIMENTATION gravitationally settles heavy suspended material.
BOILING WATER for 15 to 20 minutes kills 99.9% of all living things and vaporizes most chemicals. Minerals, metals, solids and the contamination from the cooking container become more concentrated.
DISTILLATION boils and re condenses the water, but many chemicals vaporize and re condense in concentration in the output water. It is also expensive to boil & cool water.
ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT is a good bactericide, but has no residual kill, and works only in clearly filtered water. Still in its infancy stage is a new technology involving super white light.
CHEMICALS CHLORINE is common, cheap, but extremely toxic. It does not decrease physical or chemical contamination, it does increase cholesterol formations, is a carcinogen, and causes heart disease.
BROMINE, used in pools and spas, doesn't smell or taste as bad and doesn't kill bacteria very well.
IODINE is not practical, and is mostly used by campers.
HYDROGEN PEROXIDE kills bacteria with oxygen, is chemically made and is very toxic. It is used in emergencies.
SILVER is an effective bactericide but a cumulative poison which concentrates and doesn't evaporate.
NONTOXIC ORGANIC ACIDS should be used with caution in large water plants only.
LIME AND MILD ALKALINE AGENTS should also be used with caution only by large water plants, or only for laundry.
NEUTRALIZING CHEMICALS react with the unwanted chemicals and produce out gases and a sediment, but levels of need vary.
COAGULATION-FLOCCULATION adds chemicals which lump together suspended particles for filtration or separation.
ION EXCHANGE exchanges sodium from salt for calcium or magnesium, using either glauconite (greensand), precipitated synthetic organic resins, or gel zeolite, thus softening the water. Minerals, metals, chemicals or odors are not affected, and the water is salty to drink.
FILTRATION SLOW SAND of 1 cubic meter passes about 2 liters/min, and does a limited bacteria removal.
PRESSURE SAND of 1 cubic meter passes about 40gpm and must be backwashed daily.
DIATOMACEOUS EARTH removes small suspended particles at high flow rates, must be daily backwashed and is expensive.
POROUS STONE/CERAMIC filters are small but expensive, and do not effect chemicals, bacteria or odors.
PAPER or CLOTH filters are disposable and filter to one micron, but do not have much capacity.
-COMPRESSED CHARCOAL/CARBON BLOCK is the best type of charcoal filter, can remove chemicals and lead, but is easily clogged, so should be used with a sediment pre-filter.
-GRANULAR CHARCOAL is cheaper, but water can flow around the granules without being treated.
-POWDERED CHARCOAL is a very fine dust useful for spot cleaning larger bodies of water, but is messy and can pass through some filters and be consumed.
REVERSE OSMOSIS uses a membrane with microscopic holes that require 4 to 8 times the volume of water processed to wash it in order to remove minerals and salt, but not necessarily chemicals and bacteria.
OXYDATION AERATION sprays water into the air to raise the oxygen content, to break down odors, and to balance the dissolved gases. However, it takes space, is expensive, and picks up contaminants from the air.
OZONE is a very good bactericide, using highly charged oxygen molecules to kill microorganisms on contact, and to flocculate iron and manganese for post filtration and backwashing.
ELECTRONIC PURIFICATION and DISSOLVED OXYGEN GENERATION creates super oxygenated water in a dissolved state that lowers the surface tension of the water and effectively treats all three types of contamination: physical, chemical and biological.
BOILING WATER for 15 to 20 minutes kills 99.9% of all living things and vaporizes most chemicals. Minerals, metals, solids and the contamination from the cooking container become more concentrated.
DISTILLATION boils and re condenses the water, but many chemicals vaporize and re condense in concentration in the output water. It is also expensive to boil & cool water.
ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT is a good bactericide, but has no residual kill, and works only in clearly filtered water. Still in its infancy stage is a new technology involving super white light.
BROMINE, used in pools and spas, doesn't smell or taste as bad and doesn't kill bacteria very well.
IODINE is not practical, and is mostly used by campers.
HYDROGEN PEROXIDE kills bacteria with oxygen, is chemically made and is very toxic. It is used in emergencies.
SILVER is an effective bactericide but a cumulative poison which concentrates and doesn't evaporate.
NONTOXIC ORGANIC ACIDS should be used with caution in large water plants only.
LIME AND MILD ALKALINE AGENTS should also be used with caution only by large water plants, or only for laundry.
NEUTRALIZING CHEMICALS react with the unwanted chemicals and produce out gases and a sediment, but levels of need vary.
COAGULATION-FLOCCULATION adds chemicals which lump together suspended particles for filtration or separation.
ION EXCHANGE exchanges sodium from salt for calcium or magnesium, using either glauconite (greensand), precipitated synthetic organic resins, or gel zeolite, thus softening the water. Minerals, metals, chemicals or odors are not affected, and the water is salty to drink.
PRESSURE SAND of 1 cubic meter passes about 40gpm and must be backwashed daily.
DIATOMACEOUS EARTH removes small suspended particles at high flow rates, must be daily backwashed and is expensive.
POROUS STONE/CERAMIC filters are small but expensive, and do not effect chemicals, bacteria or odors.
PAPER or CLOTH filters are disposable and filter to one micron, but do not have much capacity.
-COMPRESSED CHARCOAL/CARBON BLOCK is the best type of charcoal filter, can remove chemicals and lead, but is easily clogged, so should be used with a sediment pre-filter.
-GRANULAR CHARCOAL is cheaper, but water can flow around the granules without being treated.
-POWDERED CHARCOAL is a very fine dust useful for spot cleaning larger bodies of water, but is messy and can pass through some filters and be consumed.
REVERSE OSMOSIS uses a membrane with microscopic holes that require 4 to 8 times the volume of water processed to wash it in order to remove minerals and salt, but not necessarily chemicals and bacteria.
OZONE is a very good bactericide, using highly charged oxygen molecules to kill microorganisms on contact, and to flocculate iron and manganese for post filtration and backwashing.
ELECTRONIC PURIFICATION and DISSOLVED OXYGEN GENERATION creates super oxygenated water in a dissolved state that lowers the surface tension of the water and effectively treats all three types of contamination: physical, chemical and biological.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Take control of your own food supply
Here is some food for thought about seeds and gardening. Why not just gather food storage, but also gather seeds so you can keep yourself fed long term if necessary.
Could you and your family get off the grid and survive in a panic?
Do you have enough seeds to plant a survival garden and feed your family?
Do you have the right kind of seeds to plant?
If you’re answering no to these questions, you need to stop wherever you are and ask yourself… “What would I do if the grocery stores closed?” The answer sadly is that you’d probably go hungry.
A seed bank is a collection of viable seeds of common grains, vegetables, herbs, and fruits; many survivalists maintain such banks so that they can feed themselves if an apocalyptic event occurs or if oppressive forces attempt to wipe out those species.
So, what do you look for in the seeds?
You should look for: Non Hybrid seeds have always been the best considering their particular hardiness, dietary worth as well as possibility to generate crops which have viable seeds. So that you could benefit from this year’s crop by saving the seeds meant for following growing year.
Also I think that Organic is important also to ensure viable seeds for years to come.
Having a collection of Non-Hybrid, Organic seeds is a great way to ensure you will have food long term, no matter what happens. They are portable also so you can take them with you if you have to bug out and find a safer location to live.
Also it is a good idea to get a book about gardening, or somehow learn about gardening, so you know how to do it, what is required, how to harvest the seeds for your next growing season. What season to plant what, also which plants to grow next to each other or not to is important.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Effective gas masks
Here are some masks that I found through research that are effective and will provide you with actual protection in case you need it. I start with the least expensive and move to more expensive units. They start at about $170 and go to about $220.
SGE 400/3 NBC Full Face piece Respirator | |
The SGE 400/3 gas mask has 3 filter ports (left, right and center) and is offered with an optional hood and canteen drinking system. Soft inner orinasal cup quick release harness with six adjustable straps. Controlled air flow prevents fogging of the visor. The SGE-400/3 models have a special resin coating applied to the polycarbonate visor which provides additional scratch & chemical resistance. The competitive price, simplicity and the ease of maintenance of Tecnopro full face mask systems make them an easy choice. SGE 400/3 Infinity NBC Mask SystemThe SGE-400/3 models have a special resin coating applied to the polycarbonate visor which provides additional scratch & chemical resistance. The competitive price, simplicity and the ease of maintenance of Tecnopro full face mask systems make them an easy choice. |
Evolution 5000 Military Gas Mask
The Evolution 5000 Military Gas Mask -Designed for military use, this respirator is also appropriate for tactical, law enforcement & civilian use. Manufactured in a fully ISO 9001 certified facility, this is a TRUE Military mask system. Consists of a butyl rubber face piece which resists all known chemical & biological warfare agents, a soft rubber inner mask/nose cup designed to minimize lens fogging, and a removable (olive drab) outer hood/second skin made of butyl coated nylon fabric.
The mask can be used with or without the outer butyl hood. The face piece is stealth black & has impact resistant, optically correct, eye lenses. Equipped with voicemitter for clear communications.
Comes with a brand new C2A1 long life 10 year stealth black filter canister. Side mounted filter position facilitates the use of weapons & other equipment. Designed to be worn for long periods, this mask has been tested, used & proven in combat & military operations.
Available in medium or regular only. Additional features & extras: Integrated drinking capability for fluid ingestion in contaminated atmospheres. Works with standard issue U.S. canteens. A specialized self-sealing canteen cap and drinking tube connects the canteen to the drinking port on the face piece.
Comes in (a.) water repellant olive drab drop leg style carry bag with compartments for all included accessories: (b.) NBC filter C2A1, 40mm stealth black aluminum; (c.) Butyl rubber coated nylon hood; (d.) Waterproofing bag to prevent moisture damage in wet conditions; (e.) Lens cleaning cloth in sealed container; Total weight: (complete kit in carrier with all accessories) 3.9 lbs.
Gas Mask,
Gask Masks,
wake up
Gask Mask information, read before you buy! PLEASE
Please read this if you intend to prepare your self or your family for an NBC event. Also do not take this as the only gospel, there may be other opinions out there that may or may not be more correct.
Gas mask purchases are a personal decision each family must make. Educate yourself about gas masks to avoid a mistake that could cost you your life. Consider the following information before purchasing and purchase only from a recognized dealer or manufacturer.
A gas mask would only protect you if you were wearing it at the exact moment a bio-terrorist attack occurred. Unfortunately, a release of a biological agent is most likely to be done “covertly,” that is, without anyone knowing it. That means you would not know ahead of time to put on your gas mask.
To wear a gas mask continuously or “just in case” a bio-terrorist attack occurs, is impractical, if not impossible. To work effectively, masks must be specially fitted to the wearer, and wearers must be trained in their use.
This is usually done for the military and for workers in industries and laboratories who face routine exposure to chemicals and germs on the job. Gas masks purchased at an Army surplus store or off the internet carry no guarantees that they will work. In fact, one national chain of surplus stores provides the following statement: “(X) has been selling gas masks as a novelty item since 1948. We have never been able to warrant their effectiveness and we cannot do so at this time…
We do not know what each type of gas mask we sell might or might not be effective against…We do not know the age of each gas mask…” In brief, no guarantees whatsoever are provided. More serious is the fact that the masks can be dangerous. There are reports of accidental suffocation when people have worn masks incorrectly, as happened to some Israeli civilians during the Persian Gulf War. Military personal goes through extensive training in the use of gas masks. If you purchase masks, be sure to get properly trained in their use.
Become familiar with putting the mask on and using it correctly. If you are forced to use the gas mask in an attack, that would not be the best time to be donning it, for the first time. And again, KNOW what you are purchasing and understand that a gas mask that will actually work in an attack, will cost you upwards of $125.00
Let The Buyer Beware Information provided by Approved Gas The truth about surplus gas masks: Many models of surplus masks & filters are available in nearly unlimited quantities at low prices. In most cases, these prices are low because the mask is either obsolete, recalled or replaced due to design flaws or defective components. Before buying a surplus mask, do your homework, take time to review recalled gas mask models. Here are a few of the most widely advertised surplus masks that should be avoided:
Gas mask purchases are a personal decision each family must make. Educate yourself about gas masks to avoid a mistake that could cost you your life. Consider the following information before purchasing and purchase only from a recognized dealer or manufacturer.
A gas mask would only protect you if you were wearing it at the exact moment a bio-terrorist attack occurred. Unfortunately, a release of a biological agent is most likely to be done “covertly,” that is, without anyone knowing it. That means you would not know ahead of time to put on your gas mask.
To wear a gas mask continuously or “just in case” a bio-terrorist attack occurs, is impractical, if not impossible. To work effectively, masks must be specially fitted to the wearer, and wearers must be trained in their use.
This is usually done for the military and for workers in industries and laboratories who face routine exposure to chemicals and germs on the job. Gas masks purchased at an Army surplus store or off the internet carry no guarantees that they will work. In fact, one national chain of surplus stores provides the following statement: “(X) has been selling gas masks as a novelty item since 1948. We have never been able to warrant their effectiveness and we cannot do so at this time…
We do not know what each type of gas mask we sell might or might not be effective against…We do not know the age of each gas mask…” In brief, no guarantees whatsoever are provided. More serious is the fact that the masks can be dangerous. There are reports of accidental suffocation when people have worn masks incorrectly, as happened to some Israeli civilians during the Persian Gulf War. Military personal goes through extensive training in the use of gas masks. If you purchase masks, be sure to get properly trained in their use.
Become familiar with putting the mask on and using it correctly. If you are forced to use the gas mask in an attack, that would not be the best time to be donning it, for the first time. And again, KNOW what you are purchasing and understand that a gas mask that will actually work in an attack, will cost you upwards of $125.00
Let The Buyer Beware Information provided by Approved Gas The truth about surplus gas masks: Many models of surplus masks & filters are available in nearly unlimited quantities at low prices. In most cases, these prices are low because the mask is either obsolete, recalled or replaced due to design flaws or defective components. Before buying a surplus mask, do your homework, take time to review recalled gas mask models. Here are a few of the most widely advertised surplus masks that should be avoided:
this mask is 30+ years old & does NOT provide NBC protection. | ||||
Advertised by some unscrupulous vendors for protection against NBC agents, this mask is actually intended for smoke/fire protection. Over 27,4000 have been recalled. | ||||
service (replaced by a completely different model, designated as the C4) The C3 60mm filter port does not accept NATO threaded filters without plastic adapter. |
If you own or intend to purchase one of these masks, YOU WILL have NO protection against ANY form of attack. They offer NO protection against: NBC -Nuclear, Biological, or Chemical agents. Many offer NO protection against even tear gas! Also old,(even sealed) filters may become toxic |
GAS MASK: Russian/German M-10-M Protective Mask STATUS: INEFFECTIVE 100% obsolete DETAILS: Very old model. This type of protective mask should NEVER be used for protecting against any NBC warfare agents. USAGE: Designed ONLY for protection against tear-gas. (These will most likely not provide this protection as they are ALL more than 20 years expired) |
GAS MASK: Russian M41 Aardvark Protective Mask STATUS: INEFFECTIVE 100% obsolete DETAILS: Complete waste of money. These Russian masks are a triumph in the world of completely useless gas masks, possibly the worst mask still being sold by unscrupulous surplus stores & internet vendors. USAGE: Russian / Outdated (over 20-30 years old) could be used as a Halloween costume or conversation piece but it will provide 0% protection. |
GAS MASK: Russian SMS Snorkel Protective Mask STATUS: INEFFECTIVE 100% obsolete DETAILS: Complete waste of money. These Russian masks are another triumph in the world of completely useless gas masks, possibly the worst mask still being sold by unscrupulous surplus stores & Internet vendors. USAGE: Russian/ Outdated (over 20-30 years old) could be used as a Halloween costume or conversation piece but it will provide 0% protection. |
GAS MASK: M9 or M9A1 Protective Masks STATUS: OBSOLETE/ineffective (made in the 50′s) Details: Uses a 60 mm threaded filter which is very hard to find with a modern & effective filter. USAGE: Tear Gas, Not used since 1960’s, these will provide NO protection, as they are 40+ years old. |
GAS MASK FILTER: WEST GERMAN (various model #’s) STATUS: EXPIRED, HEPA ONLY. DETAILS: This filter is rated at 99.9% HEPA filtration and prior to expiration would be effective against P100 (small particles) agents. Examples: Tear Gas, Unmodified Simple Anthrax & other other non-micronized biological agents. Ineffective against ALL chemical warfare agents. USAGE: German mfg. for riot & tear gas protection. Manufactured prior to 1980, all lots are EXPIRED. |
GAS MASK FILTER: AMERICAN M-9 (circa 1940) 60 mm threaded filter STATUS: 100% EXPIRED DETAILS: Common American issue. (Most from the 50′s) USAGE: US issue during prior to 1950. Use of this filter is highly discouraged, it provides 0% protection and may be toxic on it’s own. |
GAS MASK FILTER: AMERICAN C2 (check exp. date) & C2A1 STATUS: EXPIRED -If more than 10 years old ** (old filters are known to have Chromium Toxicity ** and are considered highly dangerous) DETAILS: To find out if your filter is expired, you must find the printed date of manufacture. Look for the serial number on the can: For Example: RFT 920000CF24054 (sample serial #) (first 2 digits are the year of manufacture) In this example the mfg date: RFT [92] is 1992 These are 100% military surplus filters. The military discontinued use of the C2 in favor of the new/better C2A1 filters. But Caution: C2A1 filters provide no protection against ammonia based agents. USAGE: Obsolete/US Military Surplus only. Recommended to upgrade to a MSA or M95 filter( the same threads/mask fitting). Both protect against all NBC agents and are 100% current issue / used in federal agencies, etc. This article was found here: |
Gas Mask,
Gask Masks,
Self reliance,
wake up
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Reference manuals for Patriots
Here are some manuals and or information that I thought you might like to read, or have as a reference work for you, your family, or your unit.
The basic Small Unit Tactics (SUT) handbooks are the Field Manuals (FM 7-8) and the Ranger Handbook.
You can find the PDF versions here:
and here:
The largest collection of military Field Manual's (FMs) is at Global Security they are IT when it comes to things like this.
Army Field Manuals
For more on Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT): The MOUT Homepage
The basic Small Unit Tactics (SUT) handbooks are the Field Manuals (FM 7-8) and the Ranger Handbook.
You can find the PDF versions here:
and here:
The largest collection of military Field Manual's (FMs) is at Global Security they are IT when it comes to things like this.
Army Field Manuals
For more on Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT): The MOUT Homepage
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