Here are some good links to sources of ammunition.
Gunbot: This is a great source to find the best deals on ammunition.
Ammoseek: This is another good place that lists places to find ammunition.
NOW is the time to stockpile as much ammo as you can! Things are going to get bad, and then you will wish you listened to people like me telling you to stock up now!
One note about stocking up on ammo; buy Wolf/TulAmmo/Silver Bear etc... they are much more cost effective than buying brass cased ammo. Yes, I know there are haters out there that complain about the steel cases used in these ammo brands. But I am here to tell you the truth about this ammo. I have shot thousands of rounds of this ammo with ZERO failures of any kind through several different AR-15s, an FAL, AK-47s, and AK-74s. If you experience a failure with this ammo, your rifle has issues; if you cannot pick up a magazine off the ground with any type of ammo and rock and roll with your "Combat" gun, then you need to get a new gun!
Seriously guys and gals, if your rifle does not shoot this ammo, take it to a competent gunsmith and have him/her fix your gun! This ammo is the BEST way to accumulate a good amount of ammo without taking out a loan on your children's future. I love this ammo, I store this ammo, I train with this ammo, I rely on this ammo all the time, and it IS up to the task.
I hope that you guys and gals out there have at least 1000 rounds for every weapon system you have (Rifle) and 500 for every secondary weapon system (Handgun). I however recommend at least 5000 rounds per primary weapon system (Rifle), and 2000 rounds of secondary (Handgun) ammunition. If you already have this much, then great job! Keep going... you can NEVER have enough ammunition! If you do not even have the minimum, then spend the $250 it costs to get a 1000 round case, and at least then you will have the bare minimum.
People take this seriously! PLEASE! Do yourself and your nation a favor and be ready for the restoration!
Also, TRAIN! People, get out there with your group/friends and get the training you need.