First Line Gear (The clothes you are wearing and the items in them)
- Weather appropriate clothing (non-chafing)
- Good quality boots
- Good quality socks (wool preferred)
- Non-chafing undergarments
- Ball cap/Boonie/Beanie
- Sidearm with at least one spare magazine(holster)
- Knife
- 550 cord
- Fire starter
- Compass
- Tourniquet
Second Line Gear (Gear you need, but can ditch if you have to)
- Chest rig/Plate carrier
- Rifle Mag pouches (8-10 mags minimum)
- Fighting knife/Tomahawk (Personal preference)
- Blood type patch
- Spare parts for primary weapon system
- Tourniquet
- Safety glasses/sun glasses
- Comm gear
- Battle belt
- Rifle mag pouches (2 or more)
- IFAK with blood type patch
- 14 gauge needle (2)
- CAT TQ (2)
- Chest seal (2)
- EMT shears
- Gauze (H&H, Curlix, Quickclot, 3” rolls) (2)
- Gloves, Nitrile (4 pair)
- Israeli Battle Dressing (2)
- NP Airway/Oral airway
- Quickclot sponges (2)
- Duct tape
- Sharpie
- Providine/Iodine 0.5 oz (4)
- Tape, Surgical 2”
- Trauma Cards
- Trauma pads 5” X 9” (3)
- Triangular bandages (2)
- Bacitracin 0.9g (8)
- Gun oil
- Fighting knife
- Pepper spray (anti dog tracking)
- Multi tool
- Hearing protection (Amplified type)
- Gloves, Tactical, or leather
- Handgun magazines (2 or more)
- Dump pouch
- Handgun holster (or use a tac holster under BB)
- Water filter/purification tabs
- Water carrier/canteen
- Storm proof lighter and tinder
Patrol Bag/Third Line Gear (Longer term sustainment items)
- Spare ammo in mags (4-6 or more full magazines)
- Water carrier(s)
- Water purification (tabs/filter)
- Rations (3 days minimum)
- Eating utensils
- Large Ziplock bag(s) for trash
- Waterproof bag(s) for inside pack, to keep everything dry
- Sleeping system
- Hammock
- Thermal tarp with 550 cord to hang it
- Self-inflating sleeping mat (Without which all your body heat will disappear)
- 550 cord
- Firearm cleaning kit
- Gun oil
- Socks X2 (wool)
- Foot powder
- Blister kit
- Camo face paint
- Seasonal spare clothing/rain gear
- Gillie Suit
- Shemag/sniper veil
- Beanie/Balaclava
- Gloves
- Folding saw (coil hand saw)
- Multi tool
- Knife
- Flashlight (with red lens)
- Compass
- Maps of AO (in water proof case)
- Flexi-cuffs (large zip ties)(at least 2 sets per person)
- Write in the rain notebook and pen
- Medical kit
- Bug spray
- Small shovel to dig cat holes for poop
- Baby wipes
- Hand sanitizer
- TP
- Lip balm
- Vaseline/petroleum jelly (to help mitigate chaffing)
- Hard candy (to help prevent coughs and for morale/quick energy)
- Caffeine pills (helps you stay awake on guard duty/patrolling)
- Wind proof lighter/flint & steel/Tinder (Dryer lint works great)
- Medications if needed
- Mission specific gear: radios, batteries, wire cutters, breaching tools, long range weapon system, shotgun, flares, booby traps, thermal imager, tangle wire, early warning devices, drone (for scouting), burlap or camo for OPs