
Friday, August 10, 2012

T-REX 2012 (TEOTWAWKI Readiness Exercise)

Are You Really Ready?

Radio Free Redoubt is facilitating the first ever large-scale, scenario-based TEOTWAWKI-Readiness Exercise. 

Do you have a SHTF (Stuff Hits The Fan) plan for yourself, your family, a small group of friends?

Have you practiced? 

Do you have a retreat group that would congregate together at a pre-designated retreat location with a retreat activation plan? 

Do you have the communications capabilities to receive updates and intelligence from Hams, Relays, and other Redoubters and preppers? … information that could save lives?

Thousands of people just like you, across the nation (and beyond), will be:

- Practicing their TEOTWAWKI/SHTF Plan on the same days as you!
- Activating their retreats, implementing their personal/family/group emergency plans
- Bugging Out, Bugging In, and turning off all outside services and infrastructure:
o No Cell Phones
o No Internet
o No Electricity/water/gas/grocery or hardware stores/fuel stations/etc.

- Activating their security plans (at least the portions that are viable during a non-real-world emergency, ‘exercise’)

- Implementing their group emergency communications plans, reaching out and/or listening for intelligence and news from across the network of AmRRON operators and Redoubters/Preppers

- Evaluating their preparations and identifying strengths and weaknesses

- Journaling their experiences and documenting recommended improvements/changes

- Providing After Action Reports (AARs) of the various experiences to be shared with others so likeminded preppers and Redoubters can learn from each other.

- Finding out what will work? What won’t? What did you overlook, and NOT think of?

Put it on your calendar and join thousands of others like yourself in T-REX. This exercise does not require you to interact or communicate with anyone else. You can do this on your own, but you don’t have to!

Go to to learn more