The peel, fade away or actually Aussie Peelback is not meant as method
to engage the enemy. It is a means of extraction under contact. The
firing off of a magazine on full auto is pure and utter garbage. ALL
firing should be done with well-aimed shots or short bursts. The spray and pray method
works fine for Hollywood but not in real life. The team members do not
fire their weapons dry during the withdrawal but enough to keep momentum
up during the action.
1. Lead man comes under contact, drops to cover, and engages. Immediately the rest of the element splits left and right 2 paces.
2. The lead man withdraws through the opening left giving the #2 man a slap on the shoulder as he passes indicating that the #2 mans arcs are clear, and so on through the element.
3. When the #3 man hears the firing up front and after moving off the path he prepares a smoke or WP grenade, when he sees #1 move through #2 he throws the grenade and prepares his weapon to fire to cover #2 when he moves through.
4. The #4 man if so equipped prepares his Claymore or other IED and sets the fuse, when #3 has withdrawn through his position he fires and pulls the igniter.
The #1 man will determine the length of each bound by setting up to cover each man as they pull back. After 1 or 2 bounds (depending on the terrain) the element moves into an extended line formation and conducts the withdrawal back to the last RV point by pairs fire and movement or can set up hasty ambushes on the enemy if they are still advancing. This drill takes a lot of practice to be done correctly.
With a 2 man element it is better to withdraw by bounds firing only enough rounds to keep the enemies heads down. Firing off of a full mag takes too much time and slows the rate of withdrawal down. The drill must be practiced to include wounded members and stoppages of weapons.
Practice this tactic with your unit at your next FTX, it is a great tool to have in your tool bag of tactics.
Start out with "Dry Fire" exercises. When you have the movement down, train using your primary weapon systems.