
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Patrolling 101



A detailed map should be made; covering the route, including terrain features selected for orientation
The use of difficult terrain must be considered in route planning. Impassable terrain is very rare
An "offset" in the route should be planned when applicable. An offset is a planned magnetic deviation to the right or left of the straight line to an objective. It should be used to verify the location right or left of the objective. Each mil offset will move a person one meter to the right or left for each 1000 meters traveled

When the patrol is to infiltrate a hostile area, an alternate rendezvous must be selected

When selecting your weapons, you should try to select ones that use the same ammo and or magazines to facilitate cross use between team members

All weapons must be cleaned, operationally checked, and test fired before departure. The weapon must not be cleaned after test firing, due to the possibility of putting the weapon back together wrong, or something else being wrong. Individual weapon cleaning equipment should be carried on all patrols 

Gloves should be included in your personal kit to protect your hands, anyone that has been in combat can attest to the fact of how valuable gloves are. I personally suggest that they be worn at all times when on patrol

At least two flashlights and two each of such critical items as binoculars, wire cutters, or any other items you feel your patrol may need, must be carried 

Ponchos can be used to make litters, construct rafts, conceal lights, and as shelters. Also each man should carry two canteens or a large water bladder on long patrols

Every member of the patrol should carry an extra pair of socks, socks are one of the most valuable and important items in the foot soldiers kit 

A rope is a necessity and can be used for many things including but not limited to, binding prisoners, climbing or descending obstacles, securing your gear, setting up camp, and crossing streams
Duct tape is also very useful and can be used to secure rifle swivels, slings, and other items which might rattle. It should be used also to tie back loose clothing

Personal camouflage is a very important aspect of patrolling. Ensure when applying cammo face paint to use darker colors on the high areas, and lighter colors on the recessed areas. Ensure that you cover every inch of exposed skin, whether it be the back of the neck, or behind the ear, have a buddy go over your job and double check it. 

At least one sharp knife should be carried by every member, one being a folder/pocket knife, and one should be a combat/survival knife

Security must be provided by assigning every man an area of responsibility, when on the move, and during breaks/remain over night location (RON). Each member should be assigned a different, but overlapping sector of fire while on the move, or in a fixed position

At least two members should be designated as pacers, which means they count their steps, then the average of their individual counts should be used

Maps must be folded where the section being used is visible, before departing so they can be more easily handled when checking. Maps must not be marked, unless laminated and a grease pencil is used

Compasses should be preset before departing your staging area or home base. More than one should be preset for each setting required, and every member of the patrol should have one, and be proficient in the proper use of the compass

A list of questions and answers should be designated prior to leaving on patrol to be used as "challenge and pass" words. Which are used to challenge anyone approaching the patrol, or that the patrol approaches. When this situation occurs the first person issues the challenge word, or phrase, then the person being challenged answers with the pass phrase, or word

Leaders need to be involved in recon patrols so that they can get a real world feel of the areas patrolled

All signals whether they be visual, or audible to be used should be simple, prearranged and rehearsed prior to departing on patrol

Time for patrol members to obtain their night vision must be planned. This is to allow personnel to acclimate their night vision as it starts getting dark. This should entail about 45 minutes prior to and 45 minutes after darkness has fallen to allow for proper night vision acclimation. You want to halt the patrol and allow no movement during this time if at all practical.

The patrol should be inspected carefully before any dry run through, and before departure. During this inspection make each member jump up and down to listen for any noise being made, then fix with 550 cord, or duct tape. Men should be questioned to check their knowledge and understanding of the mission

All inhabited areas should be avoided, unless these areas are the point of the patrol 

Plan to utilize ridge lines for movement if in mountainous terrain, in that you do not ever under any circumstance travel on a ridge, plan your route to travel about 1/3 of the way down the ridge, or below the crest enough to not be silhouetted by the crest. The skyline should be avoided 

Luminous tape, or "snake eyes" should be worn on the back of the collar, and greatly aids in control and movement on dark nights. The collar should be turned down if close to enemy

All radios and other communication equipment should be checked before departing, and ensure that everyone knows the comm plan, including which channels to use and proper radio protocol

It is too late to consider planning and preparation when the patrol is in no man's land, so make sure you plan for every eventuality, because Mr. Murphy is out there and will come get you when you least expect it

On small patrols, the count should be sent up automatically after each halt or passage of a danger area. In large patrols, a chain of command should be used to account for men

Navigation should be checked frequently. The patrol commander is responsible for this, but every member should offer backup if necessary
On long patrols, the point man and compass men should be changed occasionally, because these positions are very mentally demanding and you want your patrol members to be fresh, and ready to go at a moments notice

Weapons are always carried at a ready position. The patrol must be able to return fire instantly and effectively. They must have their zones of fire and roles within the team down pat

Enemy wire should be cut only when necessary. A reconnaissance should be made first

Take advantage of any noises such as wind, vehicles, planes, and combat sounds to cover any movement or action that you need to make that makes noise

There should be no movement on roads and trails unless absolutely necessary, and even then to get out of these areas as soon as you possibly can

Movement can be aided in daylight, especially in dense terrain, by using night compass settings

Do not move across the enemy's front

Over short distances such as the width of a road, the compass can be used for signalling at night. a piece of luminous tape can also be used, but ensure that your signalling cannot be seen from any other direction than your own team

Crossing roads in enemy territory is a matter of common sense. Each situation may dictate a different method. Established procedure will not be violated if a proper reconnaissance is conducted before crossing an obstacle. Adequate security should be established and movement should be silent and quick to avoid detection. A main point of consideration in any road crossing is control of the patrol and their actions. Crosses should be done at a curve, or other area that does not offer a long distance viewing. 

Some of the accepted methods for crossing roads are:

(1) Patrol can form a skirmish line and move quickly and quietly across the road
(2) The entire patrol can form a file, following the footsteps of the members in front of them, in order to minimize footprints, and cover up the patrol numbers
(3) Members cross the road a few at a time until the whole patrol is across the road

When necessary to leave a wounded person to be picked up on the return trip, another person should be left with them. 
Walking wounded can return on their own to friendly areas, or can remain with the team if needed. When the enemy is near, the wounded should be removed from the immediate area before applying first aid
Enemy positions or obstacles should be by-passed, unless they are the point of the patrol, or if engaging them is needed

The patrol's location should be known at all times, by all members of the patrol. This is particularly important when there is a change of direction or the patrol is transported by air or water. A relatively slight error can cause a missed objective

Security must not be jeopardized by letting ear flaps and hoods interfere with the hearing ability of the patrol

Talking should be kept to a minimum. Arm and hand signals should be used to the maximum, and should be one of the items members are tested on prior to leaving on patrol

When enemy positions are being reconnoitered, a covering force must be kept within supporting distance of the reconnaissance element to facilitate cover fire if necessary

Trash must never be thrown on the ground while on patrol. It should be buried and camouflaged to prevent detection by the enemy, as with everything while on patrol including feces and pee as well as any food 

When friendly agents such as partisans are contacted, the entire patrol must not be taken to make contact with them. One or two people should make the contact and the others should provide cover

A unique and disposable patrol password should be used forward of friendly positions, this is different than the challenge/pass that I covered earlier, this is a challenge and a pass phrase that is established once out on patrol and is only known to the members of the patrol

At halts and during movement, odd numbered people observe to the left, and even numbered people to the right, or visa versa, just ensure your guys know where they are covering

When people have difficulty staying awake on security and at halts, the number of halts should be minimized, and the people should assume a kneeling rather than prone position

Personnel should be allowed to sleep on long patrols when possible, but proper security should be maintained

To aid in navigation stars should be used but it should be remembered that they move. The patrol's location should be confirmed on a compass

Smoking or chewing must not be permitted, because they make way too much smell, and can be noticed quite a ways off

The method of finding the North Star (if in the Northern Hemisphere) and the Southern Cross (if in the Southern Hemisphere) must be known and also the watch and sun method of finding North, and South

During halts the communicator should position himself to the left of the patrol commander in order that the handset can be held in the patrol commander's left hand

So that is a run down of a bunch of good information to use to plan your patrols, in no means is it a complete list. There are many more items that should be trained on and employed in a patrol, but this will get you headed in the right direction hopefully.