
Friday, April 29, 2016

More Advanced Training Concepts

In the upcoming fight to restore our once great nation we will be faced with the role of being a Guerrilla Fighter, engaged in Asymmetrical Warfare. With that said, stealth of movement, communications, patrol, attack and existing will be our bread and butter. We need to be including training on clandestine movement and infiltration techniques. We need to take a page out of the "Eastern" way of fighting, and use a lot of the tactics used by the North Koreans, the Viet Cong in the Viet Nam conflict, and the Russians of WWII.

Small units trained in clandestine movements and infiltration combined with ambush tactics and hit and run techniques will become vital to our fight. We need to be forming and training small units that are lightly equipped with the ability and physical prowess to move quickly over long distances, hit a target, then disappear into the woods/mountains, etc...

Please add stealthy movement techniques and training to your training schedules, as well as night fighting, night movement, camouflage, how to use terrain features to move without being seen, as well as the proper use of shadows, and noise avoidance. Add in training on movement under observation without being seen, using every method and tool possible. Spend time outdoors with your group/team, become used to the sounds of nature, and become familiar with how shadows work, where they naturally appear, and how the areas in your AO (Area of Operation) look, feel, sound and smell. This is so when you need to operate in these areas you will be familiar with things that are out of place, giving you a edge that may just save your life.

It is a really good idea to cover topics such as how to move properly through mud (ball/front of foot down first at an angle, then up out of the mud in the reverse), movement through dry leaves (on all fours, use hands to move leaves out of way, then bring feet up under your palms, then repeat), through water (keep feet in water, do not pick up and out with each step), and through any other types of terrain and features that exist in your AO.

Training in how to properly use ground terrain to travel covertly is a vital skill also. The use of water ways to keep down tracks, and to move among the heavy vegetation. Another way to confuse your enemy is to travel using these methods, but in a single file with each member walking in the footprints of the person in front of them, with the last person sweeping the signs away. This will enable you to move without being noticed, or at least your adversary will not know your true numbers.

The ability to defeat thermal detection is also an area you and your groups/teams need to train in, and have equipment to assist them in being able to defeat thermal technology. Thermal tarps/blankets are a great idea. In a future post I will discuss how to make your own thermal tarp/blanket that will give you a major edge against thermal detection. Finding ways to mitigate the superior technology that will be employed against us is vital. Every form of technology has its own weaknesses, and there are ways to defeat any of them, we just need to figure out how to.

With that comment about technology and our need to be able to operate in defiance of their superior technology, we must be able to go "low tech", with that said, communications will be a challenge. This challenge is not insurmountable, it will just make things more difficult, and take more time. One method will be to use old style military field telephones with actual wires connecting stations. Another way is to use various forms of visual signals and sounds to convey a message to members of your unit, or other units/friendlies.

Of the utmost importance is that we learn to adapt, and to be flexible and not resistant to change when it is needed. Keep up the good fight, we will be victorious in the end!


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