
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Wake up America!

I can't believe that even today people are still asleep.


Our Constitutionally protected freedoms are being stripped from us more and more. It is coming to be that the Constitution is a worthless document due to our leaders stripping away at it and taking our freedoms from us.
How about this indefinite detention thing, is that Constitutional? NO it is not, but our leaders pass it any way, totally disregarding the Bill of Rights.

Come on people, it is time to wake up and do something about this. Contact your elected representatives, tell them what you think and how you feel. Tell them that you believe in the Constitution and that they have no right to take away your rights.

What about our economy? They say it is getting better when it is not, people are just dropping off the radar due to being on aid for so long they no longer qualify for it.

It is also time to prepare yourselves and your families. I mean come on is it really going to hurt you to have a little extra food or supplies on hand in this economy? The answer is no, it would not be a bad thing to be a little prepared.
The worse that could happen would be that nothing happens and you have a little extra food and supplies.
If something does happen where you need the stuff you have set aside, you will be much better off for doing so.

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