
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

One way the second Civil War could start


Gear for the American Patriot: The Tactical Patriot Store


Your Team

I have not been able to put much time into writing a new post myself, but I wanted to keep up on posting, so that you guys would have information and training to read and learn. Below is a post from Max Velocity, I know, I know, he is the MAN! I love posting up his stuff because I agree with him on most things, and he is very good at articulating himself.

Here is the article on tactical teams/groups that would be very good for you guys to read and heed:

Max Velocity,

Regardless of the SHTF scenario, anyone can appreciate that having a tactical team/group that is trained, equipped, and ready can be invaluable to one’s survival. So how do you get it started?

An effective tactical team will by nature be made up of fighting men. but what kind of fighting man? He should be a warrior. Notice I did not say soldier and this is an important distinction. What is a warrior? Where do I find them? Or better yet, how do I create them from those I trust and care for?

From Wikipedia:
“A warrior is a person specializing in combat or warfare, especially within the context of a tribal or clan-based warrior culture society that recognizes a separate warrior class or caste.”

Conversely, soldier is defined as an occupation.

A separate warrior class or caste. In class or caste based societies one’s “class” often is the biggest factor in defining who that person is and their lifestyle. This is the key to the whole thing. Warrior skills, training, and social functions are at the heart of who that person is. It is not a job, it is a lifestyle. Indeed, some soldiers may be warrior’s but not all warrior’s are soldiers. For our purposes, we don’t necessarily want soldiers, we want warriors.

Warriors are defined as such through their activities, and they do these things because that is who they are. Sometimes simply being of the male persuasion will put you in the warrior class, such as in many North American Indian Tribes. Being a warrior, was a defining part of being a man.

Soldiers do many of the same things and serve the same function, but they do it because that is how they earn a living. A soldier without pay quickly takes on another occupation and ceases to be a “fighting man”. Unlike warriors who are usually associated with tribal or clan based societies, soldiers are the typical fighting men of nation states.

So how do we distinguish ourselves as warriors, from the Soldiers, the Airmen, the Marines, Sailors, Police Officers, etc. etc. from other “fighting men” in this nation state society?

Unlike them, we don’t get paid for training. In fact we pay for it. We buy our own ammo, we equip ourselves, we hone our craft on our own time. We feed ourselves through other means and use our precious free time to maintain and advance our warrior skills.

This means daily training. The day you stop training is the day you cease to be part of the warrior class. It’s the day you are no longer a warrior.

We PT everyday right? Or often enough that we continuously improve without causing ourselves injury. (some PT regimens will cause injury if done daily) But PT in of itself is not a warrior skill. Plenty of athlete’s PT. PT does not place them in the vaunted warrior class.

In addition to PT which “people” should be doing, warrior’s should maintain skill at arms. One of the most inexpensive, effective, and quickest ways to do this is through dry fire. I dry fire daily, both fighting rifle and handgun for about 5 minutes each. Did you get paid? No. Did you improve your martial skill set? Yes. Are you doing this everyday? Yes. Welcome to the warrior class.

If you are unfamiliar with dry fire, check out and pick up “Refinement and Repetition.” So it’s geared to competition. So what? If your reloading at IPSC grandmaster speed, no one can argue that is not an advantage in combat. Just do it behind cover…

So now you found your first warrior. It is you. Daily you are “drilling” yourself in weapon manipulation. And hopefully this is in addition to the PT you are doing since you are a well rounded human being. Now for the team aspect.

You need another warrior besides yourself. Look for that one person who is committed as you are. The one who will spend 10 minutes every day, on his/her own improving their martial skills. Would it be that crazy if… maybe… on Tuesdays the two of you got together at the range and did a few fire and movement bounds? Maybe set up a drill for accuracy and time and compete against each other? You know, just for 2 hours after work on Tuesdays? Great. Not a big deal. Easy.

Then a third, maybe a fourth warrior? Those who are committed on their own to a warrior lifestyle on a daily basis to just a couple hours once a week for team based training? Any warrior’s worthy of the title can do this.

Say you have expanded at this point. 7 warrior’s are showing up on Tuesdays. Perhaps it is time to break into two for coordination’s sake. Wednesday works better for three of you. So another team forms. One trains weekly on Tuesdays, the other on Wednesdays. Great.

Hmmm how about squad training? Well team TYR trains every Tuesday, and Team Woden trains every Wednesday. Maybe… once a month we can get together for Squad level training? That’s not to hard is it?

Holy shit you have carnation instant fucking CUTT.

If you have had trouble forming a real CUTT, the key ingredient is warrior’s. You need true, defined by action and not words, warrior’s. It starts with you. Leadership begins with example. Don’t waste time on talker’s. Look for the everyday warrior.

It all just falls together. All because of 10 minutes of dry fire every day.

Soldiers don’t impress me. They show up for the cash. Anybody can be a soldier. Who are you? Are you a warrior? Can you then identify other warrior’s, and lead them? As I have shown above, it is really not that hard.


Gear for the American Patriot: The Tactical Patriot Store
